Thursday, April 8, 2010

How To Pick A Bathroom Scale

So, I just had a baby....and needless to say I have a few pounds that I'm all too eager to shed. I started counting my calories, set myself up on an exercise schedule, and decided to do something I vowed never to a set of bathroom scales. My disdain for bathroom scales started in gym class. I was 5'9 in middle school; while most all of my 5'2"-5'6" peers weighed 90-120 lbs, I was always the tallest and heaviest girl.

I swallowed my childhood anxiety and started keeping tract of my weight with a bathroom scale. The encouragement and sense of accomplishment that I felt as I saw the weight on my digital scale decrease from day to day was amazing and invigorating.

A lot of people get frustrated with bathroom scales- the numbers are too small, the step-on censor has a mind of it's own, accuracy problems, not sturdy, looks like a relic made from a WW2 battle ship, etc... Picking the right scale is half the battle. I would suggest a stylish, but sturdy glass frame; LCD lighting; a bathroom scale with a least four censors to account for even weight distribution; extra large display; and a scale that has auto-calibration technology. Perhaps, a bathroom scale like this one-



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