Saturday, April 17, 2010

Insurance Companies Busted for Owning Stock in Tobacco and Fast Food Companies

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Just when I thought that I couldn’t loathe the insurance industry more, I read a stunning article in the American Journal of Public Health.

These insurance companies spend no telling what on PR that touts what all they are doing to promote healthy lifestyles. This is a quote straight from a very well known insurance companies- HealthyLifestyles pamphlet. 

Tobacco use, obesity, stress and physical inactivity have a significant
effect on employee productivity and happiness, and encouraging healthy
behaviors may impact more than your organization’s financial statement:
It may help presenteeism and the productivity of your employees.
Transforming unhealthy lifestyles is not easy, which is why we focus
on the five key behaviors that have the greatest effect on both your
employees’ health and the overall health of your organization:

Tobacco Cessation: We offer an educational program, a personalized
“quit” plan and an online community of support.

Weight Management: From dietary education to personal coaching, we help
participants help themselves reach and maintain a healthier weight.

Yet, these insurance companies are speaking out of both sides of their mouths. On one hand they tell consumers to be healthy...then, they are busted by a research team at  Harvard Medical School as owning stocks in tobacco and fast-food companies. Read about the insurance companies that were busted HERE

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